💜HMF in Heather's memory donated to Adam's Blake Strong Golf Tournament. Adam unexpectedly passed away in June of 2022.

Adam dedicated his life to serving people. At age 16, he began working at a famous chicken wing restaurant in the Getzville plaza, Elmo’s, as a dishwasher. His 35 year career at Elmo’s consisted of every job imaginable from cook to manager. Over his tenure at the establishment, which is a stop on the Buffalo Wing Trail, Adam led the local watering hole to national prominence, which included a feature on the “The NFL Today” pregame show on the CBS network, when NFL “Defensive Player of the Year” and University of Buffalo standout, Khalil Mack made his return to Buffalo in 2020. In addition to Khalil Mack, professional and collegiate athletes from the Buffalo Sabres, Buffalo Bills and UB Bulls selected Elmo’s as their place because of Adam. 


More here:

Ainsley's Angels 

💜HMF donated to help Skyla get her "chariot" which allows her to experience the wonderment of mobility when unable to do so on her own.


More here:

Ride for Roswell 

💜HMF Board President, Larry Schroeder and friend Harry rode in the RIDE for ROSWELL honoring Heather's memory along side thousands of particpants.


💜HMF In Heather’s memory, has provided funds for the camper's art supplies.

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to provide funding.


💜HMF In Heather’s memory, has awarded two $1000 scholarships to students who have exhibited courage and hope when faced with unfortunate, challenging circumstances. 


The student should clearly demonstrate how a positive attitude helped them, or is helping them, to persevere through this difficult time.

Additional considerations:

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to provide these scholarships.


💜HMF Has made a donation to help furnish an apartment and pay money towards rent for a family from The Democratic Republic of the Congo that recently relocated to Buffalo, NY

More here:

Journey's End Refugee Services

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help a family build a new home in Buffalo.


💜HMF Has made a donation to help fund a memorial bench for Andy Zeitler who tragically lost his life in October of 2022.

More here:

In Memory of Andy Zeitler

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help with this memorial for Andy!


💜HMF Has made a donation to the Children's Tumor Foundation for a summer camp tuition.

More here:

Children's Tumor Foundation

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help with these important activities.


💜HMF Has made a donation to help Sophia Benintende's battle, read more about this amazing young girl here:

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help Sophia, who is full of courage and hope!


💜The winter GALA proceeds went to Jonathan to help him and his family with medical expenses from an ATV accident.  Jonathan suffered a spinal cord injury and is 100% dependent on his family for care.  

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help Jonathan, who is full of courage and hope!


💜HMF Partnered with Buffalo Resilience to provide dinners for the buffalo community in need.

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help! 


The Heather Moore Foundation made supportive Donations to the following

💜P.U.N.T. - A pediatric cancer collaborative that provides families in Western New York facing pediatric cancer with support.

P.U.N.T. Pediatric Cancer Collaborative 

💜Autism Services, Inc.  - This organization provides programs and services to support autistic children and adults, and their families in Western New York.  

Autism Services, Inc. 

💜A donation was made to the King family in support of ongoing medical expenses.

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help these organizations and family.


November 2021

Chandler was born on September 22, 2021 to his loving parents Jodi and Chris George. After a healthy pregnancy, their family was looking forward to bringing Chandler home to his three big brothers, Carson(5), Connor(4) and Charlie(2). Upon his delivery, they discovered Chandler to be severely lethargic and in respiratory distress. After enduring numerous testing and 42 days in the NICU he was diagnosed with Congenital Myopathy. This rare condition is caused by a spontaneous genetic mutation with his specific mutation diagnosed to only one other person world wide. 

Chandler's condition is extremely rare and therefore does not allow for a clear prognosis. It is estimated that his life's journey could stretch anywhere between several months to several years. Because of his condition he is in chronic respiratory failure and requires medical equipment to breath and receive nutrition. Thankfully he is able to take breaks from the mask for several hours each day. The George family is committed to providing Chandler the most comfortable, high quality life available. It is with great love and support that we honor Chandler's story of courage and hope.  

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help 


On behalf of the Heather Moore Foundation, during this past spring and fall we made donations to the following - 

💜 The Huntington's Disease Society of America (HDSA) is an organization dedicated to improving the lives of everyone affected by Huntington's disease.  From community services and education to advocacy and research.  HDSA is the world's leader in providing help for today, hope for tomorrow for people with Huntington's disease and their families.  At HDSA - family is everything!

💜  Autism Services, Inc.  provides programs and services to support autistic children and adults, and their families.  They have amazing stories to tell!  

💜  A family in Getzville, NY tragically lost their home to a fire in May.  The Heather Moore Foundation was notified by some of the family's great neighbors and we were able to help with a donation to help them start to get back onto their feet.   


March 2021

After never experiencing a headache in his life, James suffered some excruciating and debilitating headaches shortly before Christmas of 2020. Doctors thought at first it was certainly covid-19. After a negative covid test, some doctors visits, and ultimately an MRI, it was found that a tumor in the right frontal lobe of his brain was responsible for his pain. After surgery to remove the tumor on January 5th, 2021, doctors found that it was indeed cancerous. 

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help support the Macchiano family during this difficult journey.


March 2021

We are all stunned to learn the news of the sudden, tragic passing of Pete Rosengren, who died suddenly on Sunday, March 28 helping kids struggling in the Gulf waters.  

Read more about Pete and his heroism here 

Pete was one of a kind.  

We will miss him.

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help Maura, Gavin, Charlie & Grant.


March 2021

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is proud to sponsor the 2021 Mark Clement Memorial Golf Tournament.


March 2021

Elise Rose Puckhaber was a beautiful intelligent woman who sadly lost her battle with metastatic breast cancer on March 12, 2021.  After a long difficult journey, surrounded by family and friends, she found comfort in knowing that it was her time.  

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation was honored to help in Elise's battle.  

"Fight like a Rose!"


October 2020

Living Everyday with Courage & Hope!

Clara Grace is a beautiful, silly, 5-year-old girl with long “mermaid” hair, deep blue eyes, and a smile that fills the heart of anyone who sees it.  She’s a big sister to a loving but maybe sometimes annoying 2.5-year-old sister, Emaline.  She loves books, TV/movies, coloring, toys, using her new eye-gaze machine to communicate, her family, her pets, other kids, and being outside, among other things.  Clara also has an exceptionally rare and debilitating genetic disorder called Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy 6.  Clara is 1 of 13 known cases in the world with this diagnosis.  She is 1 of 2 known cases where the genetic mutation is heterozygous (different mutations from mom and dad on the same gene), and is the only case with her exact set of mutations.  She is truly 1 in 7.6 billion.  Unfortunately, when you’re that rare, there is very little information to pull from and almost no resources specific to your condition.  Clara herself is a case study both at CCHMC as well as the NIH.  As interesting as that makes her, it also makes for a lot of unknowns. 

At birth, Clara seemed to be a typical, healthy newborn aside from her positional club feet.  After a couple months, her mom started to worry about her lack of head control.  By 4 months old, Clara started seeing specialists and working with early intervention services to determine why she was so “floppy”.  14 months and countless tests later, Clara had her diagnosis.  Now at 5 years old, Clara is officially “medically complex”.  Starting at 20 months, Clara’s seizures began (fortunately currently well controlled via medication and the ketogenic diet).  After some extreme difficulty with eating, Clara had a g-tube placed at 22 months and is now 100% tube fed.  She has severely low muscle tone with no mobility, which unfortunately has worsened with time. And after a particularly rough cold and flu season in 2019 which earned her a 5 month hospital stay, Clara now breaths through a trach with a ventilator.  She has endured more therapies, lab tests, procedures, surgeries, and lengthy hospital stays in her short 5 years than most of us will accumulate in a lifetime.  Through it all, though, Clara continues to smile.  She’s a tough little warrior who doesn’t hold grudges against the people who love her for having to do unpleasant things. She helps everyone around her appreciate the seemingly little things in life and celebrate the “small” wins.  She teaches her family unconditional love and how important it is to have a supportive village.  Clara is a bright spot in the life of everyone who knows her, and she and her family appreciate all the support you can give them.  The goal is to keep her as healthy and as happy as possible for however long she will allow.             

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help CLARA!


May 2020

Living Everyday with Courage & Hope!

Danceability is an individualized dance, fitness and movement program serving the special needs community.  The Heather Moore Foundation was proud to support the tuition for a special dancer this year.

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help this special needs community.


March 2020 

Living Everyday with Courage & Hope!

Brian is a 14 year old who has a rare syndrome that guarantees his body will never stop producing tumors. His cancer is incurable, and his future will inevitably be filled with scans finding more malignant growths, and risky surgeries to remove them. 

Yet, he smiles. He is full of courage and faith. He is a great friend, brother, and son. He loves sushi, music, the Bills, working with animals, and he’d rather play video games than do his math.

Brian will fight this for the rest of his life. A scan at the end of January revealed two new tumors in his abdomen – one on his liver and the other nestled in a dangerous spot where the vena cava, aorta, and portal vein meet. Both tumors were successfully removed in March at Roswell with a high risk team standing by.

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help Brian! 


June 2020

Living Everyday with Courage & Hope!

Declan is going to rock the summer with all the goods !   The Heather Moore Foundation provided Declan with a summer camp kit to kick off a great summer - sunglasses and all!

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help Declan! 


December 2019

Living Everyday with Courage & Hope!

Kristin & Greg are the loving parents of two beautiful children, McKenna & Connor.  After struggling through his short life, their infant son Connor passed away in 2018, due to complications from DiGeorge Syndrome.  While trying to pick up the pieces from this tragedy, their daughter McKenna has been struggling with several health issues as well.  The conditions she was born with will require multiple surgeries, glasses, leg braces, and both physical and occupational therapy.  As a family, they have endured significant financial burden due to medical and related costs.  Let us celebrate their courage and hope and help ease some of their financial burden.  

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help the Ryan Family! 


December 2019

Living Everyday with Courage & Hope!

Melanie is a 3 year old that is new to the Buffalo Hearing and Speech Early Childhood Program.  She was recently diagnosed with Autism.  She is currently living with her Dad during the week and visits Mom on the weekends. She has struggles with eating; she has a swallowing issue and Buffalo Hearing and Speech is working with her Dad to get her the help she needs to continue to grow and flourish.  She is currently receiving speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and parent training and counseling through Buffalo Hearing and Speech.  Melanie is a high risk child with a lot of needs and her family could use any assistance available.  Melanie is a very active and interested little girl. There does not seem to be one particular thing that she is drawn to. She is interested in the doctor toys, the play kitchen, cars, shapes, letters, etc.   

💜Thanks to your donations - The Heather Moore Foundation is honored to help the Melanie! 💜


June 2019

Living Everyday with Courage & Hope!

Today we get to honor Heather’s memory by awarding a young boy in the Buffalo City School District. A few months ago, a house fire left his family with minimal possessions. Without missing a day of school after the disaster, the boys perseverance kept him going even though he was to wear the same clothes for weeks on end. He was described by his teacher as a model student, mature and dedicated to pushing through his circumstances. We award his hope and courage by providing him a new wardrobe and school supplies to start the new school year 💜

💜We want to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for being apart of our journey 💜